Left of Banner: Walton County Seal. Center of Banner: Walton County Florida, Supervisor of Elections. Right of Banner: Headshot of Ryan Messer. His name appears to the left of the headshot above his title - Supervisor of Elections

Canvassing Board

The County Canvassing Board is a 3-person board typically made up of the following elected officials: County Court Judge (chair of the canvassing board), Supervisor of Elections, and a County Commissioner. 

If any member of the County Canvassing Board is unable to serve, is a candidate who has opposition in the election being canvassed, or is an active participant in the campaign or candidacy of any candidate who has opposition in the election being canvassed, such member will be replaced pursuant to Florida Statute 102.141.

The County Canvassing Board is charged by law with a number of activities in the conduct of elections and ascertainment of results. This includes logic and accuracy testing of voting equipment, canvassing vote-by-mail and provisional ballots, recounts, certifying election results, post-election audits, and conduct of election reports. 

County Canvassing Board meetings are typically held in the Walton County Courthouse in DeFuniak Springs. Canvassing Board Meeting Notices, dates, times, locations, and designated canvassing board members can be found at the link below: 

Canvassing board meetings are open to the general public. During each meeting of the county canvassing board, each political party and each candidate may have one observer able to view ballots being examined, pursuant to 102.141(2)(a), Florida Statutes. 

Access to ballot materials pursuant to 101.572, Florida Statutes, may be requested by those qualified to receive access. To request access, please contact our office to complete the necessary forms. Requests should be made at least 96 hours in advance.